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Category Archives: free software

Article: Free Software Philosophy and Open Source

A republication: Vainio, Niklas and Tere Vadén. “Free Software Philosophy and Open Source.” IJOSSP 4.4 (2012): 56-66. Web. 25 Aug. 2015. doi:10.4018/ijossp.2012100105 Abstract This article introduces and explains some of the most relevant features of the free software philosophy formulated by Richard M. Stallman in the 1980s. The free software philosophy and the free software […]

3d printing survey 2013

The results are now out with some preliminary analysis at

Article “3D printing community and emerging practices of peer production” published

The article “3D printing community and emerging practices of peer production” written together with Jarkko Moilanen has been publsihed in First Monday. Abstract Based on the results of a 2012 survey on people doing 3D printing, we present results on the demographics and self–identification of the community, as well as describing participants’ printing activity. Combining […]

Alustus: Ääriratkaisuja tiedon politiikassa

Alustus! Filosofiaa on luonnehdittu pyrkimykseksi viedä kaikki ajatukset äärimmäisyyksiin: jos äärimmäisyydet ovat järjettömiä tai kohtuuttomia, sen parempi. Kutkuttavaa on, kun tällainen ankara johdonmukaisuus esiintyy arkielämässä. “Oppimateriaaligate”ksi sosiaalisessa mediassa nimetty keskustelu syntyi osaltaan kahden johdonmukaisuuden törmäyksestä. Leena Olinin väite, että oppimateriaalien vapaa julkaiseminen on toisilta opettajilta varastamista, perustuu ajatukselle, että opettajan työnä on niukan resurssin (informaation, […]

3D printing community results on video & BoingBoing

The results of the 3D printing community study I did with Jarkko Moilanen have been neatly visualized in a video by Stephen Murphey. Moreover, the video has been BoingBoing’ed by Cory Doctorow.

First results of 3D printing community survey

Research around 3D printing as an example of commons-based peer production is still minimal (Troxler’s study [21] touches on the issues). The approach in the current research has concentrated in defining the overall change and analysing most prominent features. Statistical studies of 3D Printing community are still missing. This research aims to take the first […]


The good people at em_rgencia have published a Spanish translation of one of my articles “Oportunidades Digitales, Imposibilidades Reales La promesa pendiente de la “Industria Cultural” y el Cibercomunismo” (here is the pdf): Open publication – Free publishing – More antena mutante

Article on Open Source Hardware (eCars- Now!)

Our article on the demographics & motivations of an Open Source Hardware community, the Finnish eCars – Now! -community, has now been published in First Monday. The main findings are that the OSH community members are mostly volunteers and “altruistically” motivated. However, they are significantly older than typical “altruistic” volunteers in Open Source Software communities. […]

Mainio idea: Dead drops

‘Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. I am ‘injecting’ USB flash drives into walls, buildings and curbs accessable to anybody in public space. You are invited to go to these places (so far 5 in NYC) to drop or find files on a dead drop. Plug your […]

Kasvatus ja yhteisresurssit

Kasvatus ja yhteisresurssit -projekti kokoaa yhteen opetusta ja tutkimusta koskien yhteisomaisuutta, (“the commons”), erityisesti oppimisen, tiedon ja yhteiskunnallisen olemisen näkökulmista. Internet on tuonut monien ihmisten elämään uudenlaisia vertaisuuden käytäntöjä ja kokemuksia, kuten esimerkiksi vapaan ja avoimen lähdekoodin hankkeita, Wikipedian ja muita wikejä, Open Access -tiedettä ja erilaisia vertaistuotannon muotoja. Tutkimuksellisesti ja opetuksellisesti kiinnostavia kysymyksiä on […]