Addressi. Lindén on osoittanut nettisensuuriasiassa paitsi vakavaa asiantuntemattomuutta myös piittaamattomuutta perusoikeuksia kohtaan. Kokoomuslaiselle sellainen on sopimatonta, ellei sietämätöntä.
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Addressi. Lindén on osoittanut nettisensuuriasiassa paitsi vakavaa asiantuntemattomuutta myös piittaamattomuutta perusoikeuksia kohtaan. Kokoomuslaiselle sellainen on sopimatonta, ellei sietämätöntä.
Suvi Lindén kerää poliittisia irtopisteitä ihmisiltä, jotka eivät asiaa lainkaan ymmärrä.
Kia ora from New Zealand, Tere,
I just found you through my Google Alerts for Critical Theory and Critical Pedagogy. which alerted me to your chapter in peter Mclaren’s latest book. I think that you may enjoy my own website – which you are free to use as a resource. It covers issues such as:
Critical Theory
Critical Theorists
Critical Practice (Praxis)
Critical Pedagogy
Critical Education Theory
Indigenous Studies
Critical Psychology
Cultural Studies
Critical Aesthetics
Academic Programme Development
Sustainable Design
Critical Design etc. etc.
The website at: contains more than 60 (absolutely free) downloadable and fully illustrated PDFs on all of these topics and more offered to students from the primer level, up to PhD. It also has a set of extensive bibliographies and related web links in all of these areas.
Have a look at it and perhaps bring it to the attention of your friends and colleagues for them to use as a resource.
There is no catch!
It’s just that I an retired and want to pass on the knowledge and experience acquired in 40 years of University teaching. All that I ask in return, is that you and they let me know what you think about the website and cite me for any material that may be downloaded and/or used.
I would also appreciate a link to my site from your own so that others may come to know about it and use it. Sadly, my Finish is not that hot, so I am not able to make the best use of your own website. I will, however, follow up the leads on your English language publications.
Many thanks and best wishes
Dr. Tony Ward Dip.Arch. (Birm)
Academic Programme, Tertiary Education and Sustainable Design Consultant
(Ph) (07) 307 2245
(m) 027 22 66 563
Toi linkki lyö tyhjää eli ei pelaa. Laita pelittämään, vai onko sekin sivu poliisin toimeista sensuroitu?
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