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The Top 20 articles:

28 788 286 ± 0% 3.7225% 1. Main Page
862 857 ± 2% 0.1116% 2. Wiki
394 571 ± 3% 0.0510% 3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
384 286 ± 3% 0.0497% 4. Naruto
378 286 ± 3% 0.0489% 5. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
315 714 ± 3% 0.0408% 6. United States
314 571 ± 3% 0.0407% 7. Wikipedia
306 857 ± 3% 0.0397% 8. Deaths in 2007
293 143 ± 3% 0.0379% 9. Heroes (TV series)
290 000 ± 3% 0.0375% 10. Transformers (film)
287 143 ± 3% 0.0371% 11. Halo 3
286 000 ± 3% 0.0370% 12. Harry Potter
249 429 ± 3% 0.0323% 13. Vanessa Anne Hudgens
232 000 ± 4% 0.0300% 14. Luciano Pavarotti
221 714 ± 4% 0.0287% 15. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
218 000 ± 4% 0.0282% 16. Bleach (manga)
211 714 ± 4% 0.0274% 17. List of sex positions
204 571 ± 4% 0.0265% 18. Sex
204 000 ± 4% 0.0264% 19. 50 Cent
201 143 ± 4% 0.0260% 20. World War II

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